Quality of Sausage Prepared with Grape seeds as Natural Antioxidants

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


Effect of different levels (200, 400 and 600 mg/kg) of grape seeds (GS) as powder on chemical, physical, and organoleptic properties of fresh, cooked sausages and during frozen storage at –18oC for 3 months were examined.  The results showed that with progress of storage period up to 3 months, the moisture and protein content decreased, while fat, ash, fiber, carbohydrates and energy value, increased. Sausage with 600 mg/kg grape seeds recorded the lowest T.B.A value. Also, addition of grape seeds to sausages enhancement of all tested physical properties and organoleptic evaluation by different rates. As conclusion, addition of grape seeds to sausages delay fat rancidity and improvement sausages quality

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